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Drama As Theresa May Dares Queen Elizabeth (Read Details)

Posted By:Ayopopula→Please Leave a Comment Below 

  • Theresa May Dares Queen Elizabeth
Theresa May sacrifices Queen’s Speech to avoid losing power to rival party in House of Commons votes, a move many have said is tantamount to daring the monarch.

Theresa May sacrifices Queen’s Speech to avoid losing power to rival party in House of Commons votes
Theresa May is cancelling next year’s Queen’s Speech so she can cling to power for a full two years.
It means the Tories can dodge controversial Commons votes which could topple the PMuntil after Brexit. Mrs May is already str!pp!ng this Wednesday’s Queen’s Speech of bills she put forward in her election manifesto.
So the elderly will not now lose their homes if they need care, or their triple lock on pensions or winter fuel allowances.
It also means Mrs May can concentrate on two years of Brexit negotiations beginning Monday with less chance of being thrown out of Number 10 on her ear.
A two year legislative programme rather than the usual one also means MPs and peers will get more time to debate Brexit.
Now that Mrs May has lost her Commons majority she’ll need the support of MPs and peers from other parties to get Brexit through.
Commons leader Andrea Leadsom said: “The UK will spend the next two years preparing for our departure from the EU. This will require substantial amounts of legislation

“We will build the broadest possible consensus for our Brexit plans and that means giving Parliament the maximum amount of time to scrutinise these bills.”
Top constitutionalist David Rogers said: “It’s Mrs May’s way of clinging to power.

“But it’s not very strong and stable. There’s nothing more constitutionally stable than the Queen’s Speech.”
A Great Repeal Bill to transfer all EU laws to British jurisdiction will be unveiled on Wednesday along with measures to control immigration.
The Queen is being forced to miss Ascot races because Mrs May delayed the Queen’s Speech from Monday while she tried to strike a deal with 10 Northern Ireland DUP MPs.
Now she can pencil the event in her diary for next year without any fear it will be rubbed out.
David Cameron was the last PM to cancel a Queen’s Speech so Parliament could remain in session for two years.
That was during the coalition with the Lib Dems in 2011. But he had two years worth of legislation to put through.
Mirror reports that Mrs May now has barely enough to last a few months.
Brexit Secretary David Davis will tell French President Emmanuel Macron – don’t try to stop us leaving the EU.
Mr Davis will be in Brussels to open two years of negotiations with the EU on the terms of Britain’s withdrawal.
Last week President Macron told Theresa May that Brits could still change their minds about Brexit and the door was open to remain in the EU.
But Mr Davis will send a clear message tomorrow that the decision to go has been made and will not be reversed.
He said yesterday: “There should be no doubt. We are leaving the EU.

“Leaving gives us the opportunity to forge a bright new future for the UK – free to control our borders, pass our own laws and do what independent sovereign countries do.”
Mr Davis will have his first formal meeting with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier to thrash out a framework for the talks.
On Wednesday the Queen’s Speech at the state opening of the new Parliament will contain plans for the Great Repeal Bill.
This will transfer all EU law into UK law on the day of Brexit.
The plan then is to amend those we want to change gradually in a process that could take years.
But with no majority Mrs May will struggle to get her Bill through the Commons unchanged.
The PM will also unveil plans to curb immigration.
Mr Davis added: “Now the hard work begins. We must secure a deal that works for all parts of the UK which will enable us to become a truly global Britain.

“These talks will be difficult at points, but we will be approaching them in a constructive way.”


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